Thursday, July 8, 2010

Top Ten Networking Skills

1. Quality vs. quantity

- The number of people you know does not matter. It is the quality of your contacts that does. Who are the decision makers? Influencers? Who can you help and how?

2. Slow down

- No one gets married on their first date - business relationships take time too! Get to know people not only from a business perspective but from a personal perspective too.

3. Go low tech

- In some cases, a quick phone call can be more efficient than many emails. Pick up the phone and even find time to meet face-to-face. Email is excellent when sending documents or directions - don't overuse it.

4. Diversity

- The old boy's network is alive and well - but so are many others. In the financial community, a diversified portfolio is preferable. The same is true with your network.

5. Introductions rule!

- This is the ultimate in flattery when someone takes time out of their day to make the effort to introduce you. This separates name droppers from the genuine networkers.

6. Practice 3rd party networking

- Take the time to introduce two people so they can benefit from meeting each other. You get to re-connect with someone when you don't need anything - become a "networking node."

7. Zen

- Make 2010 the year where you include positive people who add value to you and your network while keeping your distance from those who distract and de-energize you.

8. Avoid Sudden networking

- When the economy tanked all of a sudden people discovered "networking." They called people in a panic asking for referrals or job leads. Today, build relationships BEFORE you need them.

9. Make random "hello" calls

- When someone comes up in a conversation or comes to mind, make a random "hello" call. You don't need to have an agenda or reason, simply share that they were in your thoughts and you wanted to connect.

10. Unlearn shyness

- Research shows that we learn shyness. As a child you wander over to someone at a playground, introduce yourself and play. As we get older we experience rejection so we learn to "shy" away from being friendly. If shyness is a challenge for you, start a conversation with a stranger in the elevator just before you have to get off. Say something quick - "great tie" or "have a nice day." Too often shyness is misinterpreted as indifference and you don't want to send that message - think friendly.


Harikrishna Talent Circle HR Services Vadodara 9274541254

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